Class COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement

public class COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement extends COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
The COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement is used with portfolio optimizations to define a requirement where a statistic on a measure ≤ upper bound. The user must define COptQuestProjectVariables with observations or period observations.
  • Constructor Details

    • COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement

      public COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement(double upper)
      Constructor that sets the upper bound of the portfolio requirement
      upper - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
    • COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement

      public COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement(String name, double upper)
      Constructor that assigns a name to the portfolio requirement and sets the upper bound
      name - alphanumeric name
      upper - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
    • COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement

      public COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement()
      Default constructor