Package com.opttek.optquest

package com.opttek.optquest

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  • Class
    The COptQuestBinaryVariable class defines a binary decision variable which is a discrete variable that can have a value of 0 or 1.
    The COptQuestCompoundConstraint is a pure virtual class.
    COptQuestConstraint is a pure virtual class that defines a linear constraint.
    The COptQuestContinuousVariable class defines a decision variable that can have any value between the lower bound and upper bound.
    Design variables are used when value of the decision variable represents an alternative, and not a quantity.
    The COptQuestDiscountRateVariable class defines a discount rate for portfolio optimizations.
    The CoptQuestDiscreteVariable class defines a decision variable whose values begin at the lower bound and increment by a step size up to the upper bound
    The COptQuestDualRequirement defines a requirement that has both a lower bound and an upper bound.
    The COptQuestEnumerationVariable class defines a decision variable that has an enumerated set of values such as 5,7 and 25.
    The COptQuestEQConstraint class defines an equality linear constraint of the form 2*Var1 + 3*Var2 + 1.5*Var3 = 100
    The COptQuestEquationSolver class provides methods to parse strings.
    Exceptions thrown by the OptQuest Engine.
    The COptQuestFrontierMultiObjective allows the user to combine objectives and treat them as a single objective for the optimization.
    The COptQuestGEConstraint class defines a greater than or equal linear constraint of the form 2*Var1 + 3*Var2 + 1.5*Var3 ≥ 100
    The COptQuestIntegerVariable class defines a decision variable whose values begin at the lower bound and increment by a 1 to the upper bound.
    An implementation of KrigDistance that simply returns the Euclidean distance between two vectors
    The COptQuestLEConstraint class defines a less than or equal linear constraint of the form 2*Var1 + 3*Var2 + 1.5*Var3 ≤ 100
    The COptQuestLowerRequirement defines a requirement that has a lower bound but no upper bound.
    The COptQuestMultiObjective is an abstract class.
    The COptQuestObjective class is a pure virtual class that defines the objective of the optimization.
    The COptQuestObjectiveFunction class is used to define a linear objective.
    The COptQuestOptimization class searches for solutions to problems using a 'black box' approach.
    The COptQuestOrConstraint class allows you to define a logical "or" relationship among COptQuestConstraint objects.
    The COptQuestOrRequirement class allows you to define a logical "or" relationship among COptQuestRequirement objects.
    This class allows users to add groups of permutation variables to an optimization problem.
    Permutation variables are used to solve sequencing problems.
    The COptQuestPortfolioLowerRequirement is used with portfolio optimizations to define a requirement where lower bound ≥ a statistic on a measure.
    The COptQuestPortfolioObjective class defines the objective of an optimization as minimizing or maximizing a statistic on a measure.
    The COptQuestPortfolioUpperRequirement is used with portfolio optimizations to define a requirement where a statistic on a measure ≤ upper bound.
    The COptQuestProjectVariable class defines a portfolio project variable that is used in portfolio optimization.
    The COptQuestRequirement class is a pure virtual class that allows you to define a non-linear constraint.
    The COptQuestResourceConstraint class is used in portfolio optimizations to define a budget or resource constraint for each period of the portfolio.
    The COptQuestSearchParameters class contains values that control the search algorithms.
    COptQuestSelectionGroup allows the user to have a binary variable who value indicates an on/off state, where the off state indicates that other variables are not used in the evaluation.
    A COptQuestSolution object contains the values for one solution and provides methods to access information on the solution.
    The COptQuestSolutionSet class allows you to select a set of solutions and perform statistical analysis or sensitivity analysis on the set.
    The COptQuestStringConstraint class is used to define linear and non-linear constraints using a mathematical expression.
    The COptQuestStringObjective class is used to define an objective function using a mathematical expression.
    The COptQuestUpperRequirement defines a requirement that has an upper bound but no lower bound.
    The COptQuestUserControlledObjective allows you to compute a value for the optimization objective.
    The COptQuestUserControlledOptimization class searches for solutions to problems using a 'black box' approach.
    The COptQuestUserControlledVariable class allows you to define a variable where you set the value of the variable.
    COptQuestVariable is a pure virtual class that defines a decision variable.
    A generic interface to return the generalized distance between two vectors For Kriging, we need to know the distance between two vectors.
    A generic interface to return the generalized distance between two vectors For Kriging, we need to know the covariance between two vectors, usually based on distance (see KrigDistance).
    ISolutionFilter is used to define a filter for a COptQuestSolutionSet object.