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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


SearchRestart() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For use by advanced users who want the search for solutions to be restarted.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestException
SetAdditionalIterations(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the number of additional iterations to be run after an optimization has stopped.
SetAdditionalReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the number of additional replications to be run on the top n solutions.
SetAdditionalReplicationsSolutions(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Identifies the top n solutions that will have additional replications run.
SetAdditionalTime(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the number of seconds the additional optimization should run before stopping.
SetAutoStopByCycles(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the auto stop by optimization cycles option.
SetAutoStopByPercentImprovement(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the auto stop by percent improvement option.
SetAutoStopCycles(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the autoStopFrequency - defaults to 2, OptQuest works through a combination of techniques at finer levels of numerical precision to find the best solution.
SetAutoStopNumberSolutions(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the autoStopNumberSolutions - defaults to 500 If autoStop is turned on, autoStopNumberSolutions and autoStopPercentImprovement work together to stop the OptQuest search if autoStopNumberSolutions are explored without a cumulative improvement of autoStopPercentImprovement during that time.
SetAutoStopPercentImprove(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the autoStopPercentImprovement - defaults to 0.01 If autoStop is turned on, autoStopNumberSolutions and autoStopPercentImprovement work together to stop the OptQuest search if autoStopNumberSolutions are explored without a cumulative improvement of greater than autoStopPercentImprovement during that time.
SetCannotGenerateAsTermReason(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
When OptQuest cannot generate any new (different) solutions, OptQuest throws an exception.
SetCheckDup(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Controls duplicate solution checking.
SetCheckLinear(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
If true, the constraint should be checked for linearity.
SetCheckLinear(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringObjective
If true, the objective should be checked for linearity.
SetCurrentValue(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscountRateVariable
Sets discount rate.
SetCustomMetadata(String, Object) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetDOEType(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetEndingVarPrecision(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
The variable precision value is used to compare the values for decision variables and determine duplicate solutions.
SetEquation(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Sets the mathematical expression that defines the constraint.
SetEquation(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringObjective
Sets the mathematical expression that defines the objective.
SetEvaluate(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
The input parameter identifies the number of parallel evaluations that will be performed by the user.
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestBinaryVariable
Illegal method for binary variables.
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDesignVariable
Illegal method for design variables.
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscountRateVariable
Exclusive range cannot be set for discount variables
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationVariable
Illegal method for permutation variables
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Not valid for COptQuestUserControlledVariables
SetExclusiveRange(double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Defines a range of values that will be excluded as possible solutions.
SetGenerateNewSolutions(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
If you only want OptQuest to call Evaluate() with suggested solutions, call SetGenerateNewSolutions(false).
SetGenerateNewSolutions(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
If you only want OptQuest to call Evaluate() with suggested solutions, call SetGenerateNewSolutions(false).
SetGoal(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Makes the requirement a goal where the solution is not marked as infeasible.
SetGoal(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Makes the constraint a goal where the solution is not marked as infeasible but a solution that satisfies the bounds of the constraint is considered better than a solution that violates the bounds.
SetGradientAnalysis(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetHandleNonLinear(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Turn on or off a flag that directs the OptQuest Engine to attempt to solve non-linear constraints that contain only COptQuestVariable objects (i.e.
setHasUserVariables(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
SetHeatMapMaximumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the maximum number of replications to be run when running a HeatMap optimization.
SetHeatMapMinimumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the minimum number of replications to be run when running a HeatMap optimization.
SetIterationAndReplication(int, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Used when adding a suggested solution and the suggested solution is for a specific iteration and replication.
SetLicenseID(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Used to set the license ID.
SetLicenseID(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Used to set the license ID.
setLogStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestExceptionLogger
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestBinaryVariable
Illegal method for binary variables.
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscountRateVariable
Lower bound cannot be set for discount variables
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationVariable
Illegal method for permutation variables
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Sets the lower bound to the input value
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Not valid for COptQuestUserControlledVariables
SetLowerBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Sets the lower bound of the decision variable
SetMaximize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Sets the goal of the optimization to maximize the objective value.
SetMaximumIterations(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the number of iterations the optimization should perform before stopping.
SetMaximumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the maximum number of replications to be run when running general replication.
SetMaximumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Sets the maximum number of replications to be run when running general replication.
SetMaximumTime(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the number of seconds the optimization should run before stopping.
SetMetaHeuristic(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetMinimize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Sets the goal of the optimization to minimize the objective value.
SetMinimumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Sets the minimum number of replications to be run when running general replication.
SetMinimumReplications(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Sets the minimum number of replications to be run when running general replication.
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Assigns a name to the constraint.
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Assigns a name to the objective function
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Assigns a name to the optimization problem.
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrConstraint
Assigns a name to the COptQuestOrConstraint
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrRequirement
Assigns a name to the COptQuestOrRequirement
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Assigns a name to the requirement
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Assigns an alphanumeric name to the constraint.
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Assigns a name to the optimization problem.
SetName(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Assigns a name to the variable.
SetNumberOfPeriods(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Sets the number of periods in the project.
SetObjectiveCoefficient(COptQuestSingleObjective, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective
Assigns a new coefficient to the input objective.
SetObjectiveGoal(COptQuestSingleObjective, double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective
Assigns a new objective range for a particular objective.
SetObjectiveRange(COptQuestObjective, double, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestFrontierMultiObjective
Focuses the frontier search on objective values between min and max.
SetObjectiveValue(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
SetObjectiveValue(COptQuestSingleObjective, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Sets the objective value for the specified objective.
SetObjPrecision(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
The objective precision value is used to compare the objective value of solutions and determine if one solution is superior to another.
SetObservations(int, double[]) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Sets the observations for the project.
SetPeriodObservations(int, int, double[]) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Sets the observations by period for a portfolio optimization.
SetPortfolioMeasure(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
Defines the measure for the portfolio objective.
SetPortfolioMeasure(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
Defines the measure for the portfolio objective.
SetPortfolioStatistic(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
Defines the statistic for the portfolio objective.
SetPortfolioStatistic(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
Used for portfolio optimizations which can define a requirement based on a measure and a statistic.
SetRandomSeed(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Allows the random seed to be modified.
SetRegressionAnalysis(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetReplicationBatchSize(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Some simulations can run multiple replication in a single simulation run and allow the replication data to be retrieved by replication.When running with confidence settings and a batchSize setting, all replication data will be used to calculate the confidence width.
SetReplicationConfidence(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Sets the values used for confidence testing.
SetReplicationConfidence(int, int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Sets the values used for replication confidence testing.
SetReplicationStatistic(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
When running multiple replications, you can define a statistic which is used to calculate the requirement value using the values of the replications.
SetReplicationStatistic(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Defines the statistic for the replications of an objective.
SetReplicationStatistic(int, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Defines the statistic for the replications of a user controlled variable.
SetRequirementValue(COptQuestRequirement, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Sets the value of the requirement for this solution.
SetRHS(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Sets the right hand side value of a linear constraint.
SetSolutionFilter(ISolutionFilter) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolutionSet
Defines a ISolutionFilter interface that will be used to select solutions.
SetStartingVarPrecision(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
The variable precision value is used to compare the values for decision variables and determine duplicate solutions.
SetStepSize(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestBinaryVariable
Illegal method for binary variables, step size is always 1
SetStepSize(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscreteVariable
Sets the step size.
SetStepSize(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestIntegerVariable
Illegal method for integer variables, step size is always 1
SetTolerance(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Set the tolerance per variable for the constraint
SetTolerance(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
SetTolerance(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Set the tolerance
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestBinaryVariable
Illegal method for binary variables.
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscountRateVariable
Upper bound cannot be set for discount variables
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationVariable
Illegal method for permutation variables
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Sets the upper bound to the input value
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Not valid for COptQuestUserControlledVariables
SetUpperBound(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Sets the upper bound of the decision variable
SetUseCrossEntropy(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetUseDOE(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
SetUseInfeasibilityIndex(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Allows infeasible solutions to be ranked according to their proximity to feasibility which affects the order solutions are returned when GetNthBestSolution() is called.
SetUseKrigSolutionGenerator(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
If enabled, the Krig solution generator periodically creates a metamodel of the response surface and uses it to accelerate the optimization search.
SetUseMinimizeError(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
If this feature is turned on, tolerances are set to 0 for constraint and variable checking
SetUsePortfolioAlgorithms(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
If the input parameter is true, the OptQuest Engine will use portfolio algorithms to find a good starting solution for portfolio optimizations.
SetUserControlledStop(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Indicates the user will stop the optimization by calling the StopOptimization() method.
SetUserControlledVariableConstraint(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
This method is used when the optimization contains a constraint with variable bounds.
SetUseReplications(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Use to turn on the general replication algorithm.
SetUseReplications(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Use to turn on the general replication algorithm.
setValueIndicatingSelectionIsOff(double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSelectionGroup
Set the value that indicates the off setting.
SetVariableValue(COptQuestVariable, double) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Sets the value of the decision variable for this solution.
SolutionMetConfidence() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if this solution met confidence level checks for replications.
SolutionMetConfidence(COptQuestRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the input requirement met confidence level checks for replications.
SolutionMetConfidence(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the input objective met confidence level checks for replications.
SolveExpression(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Solves the input expression using this solution and returns the value of the expression.
SPSA_A_ITERMULT - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_A_MULT - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_ALPHA - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_C_RANGEMULT - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_GAMMA - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_MAXPOPULATIONATTEMPTS - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
SPSA_POPULATE - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
STARTING_OBJECTIVE_PRECISION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
STARTING_VARIABLE_PRECISION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
StopOnSuccessfulMILP(boolean) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
When this is set to true, the optimization stops as soon as it finds an optimal solution in the case that the optimization is a mixed integer linear program (MILP).
StopOptimization() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
When this method is called, OptQuest will stop immediately.
StopSolutionGeneration() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
When this method is called, OptQuest will not generate any new solutions.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form