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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


GA_ARITHMETICPROBABILITY - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_CROSSOVER_CYCLE - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_CROSSOVER_ORDER1 - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_CROSSOVER_ORDER2 - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_CROSSOVER_PMX - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_CROSSOVER_POSITION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_ELITEPERCENTAGEOFSTART - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_ELITEPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MAXELITEPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MAXNEWPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MAXPOPULATIONATTEMPTS - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MAXSTARTINGPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MINELITEPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MINNEWPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MINSTARTINGPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATE_MOVEANDINSERT - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATE_REVERSESUBSEQUENCE - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATE_SWAPVALUES - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATECENTRALANDLIMITSPROB - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATELIMITPROBABILITY - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATENORMALPROB - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATEUNIFORMPROB - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_MUTATIONPROBABILITY - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_NEWPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_NEWPOPULATIONPERCENTAGEOFELITE - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_STARTINGITERATIONDIVISOR - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_STARTINGMULTIPLE - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GA_STARTINGPOPULATION - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
generateNewSolutions - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GetApproxSolutionSize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the approximate size (in bytes) of a solution (COptQuestSolution).
GetAutoStopCycles() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of cycles specified for automatic stopping by cycles.
GetAutoStopNumberSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of solutions to check without improvement for automatic stopping by percent improvement.
GetAutoStopPercentImprove() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the percent improvement to check for automatic stopping by percent improvement.
GetBestSolution() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the solution that has the best objective value.
GetBestSolution() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the solution that has the best objective value.
GetCheckDup() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the value for duplicate solution checking.
GetCheckLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the constraint equation should be checked for linearity.
GetCheckLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringObjective
Returns true if the objective equation should be checked for linearity.
GetCoefficientAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Returns the coefficient at the specified 0 based index.
GetCoefficientAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjectiveFunction
Returns the coefficient at the specified index.
GetCoefficientAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective
Returns the coefficient at the specified index
GetCompletedSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Use this method to update UI components of your application.
GetCompletionOrder(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
GetConfidenceWidth(COptQuestRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the confidence width for the input requirement.
GetConfidenceWidth(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the confidence width for the input objective.
GetConstraintAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrConstraint
Returns the COptQuestConstraint object at the specified index.
GetConstraintLHS(COptQuestStringConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the left hand side of the string constraint using this solution.
GetConstraintLHS(COptQuestStringConstraint, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the left hand side of the string constraint using this solution.
GetConstraintRHS(COptQuestStringConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the right hand side of the constraint using this solution.
GetConstraintRHS(COptQuestStringConstraint, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the right hand side of the string constraint using this solution.
getCovariance(double[], double[]) - Method in interface com.opttek.optquest.IKrigVariogram
GetCurrentValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscountRateVariable
Get discount rate
getDistance(double[], double[]) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestKrigEuclideanDistance
return the distance between two multidimensional vectors in any arbitrary space.
getDistance(double[], double[]) - Method in interface com.opttek.optquest.IKrigDistance
return the distance between two multi dimensional vectors in any arbitrary space.
GetDOELowerBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the DOE lower bound
GetDOEUpperBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the DOE upper bound
GetElapsedTime() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of seconds the optimization has been running.
GetEndingVarPrecision() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the ending variable precision.
GetEnumerationValues() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestEnumerationVariable
Get enumeration values
GetEquation() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the mathematical expression of the constraint.
GetEquation() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringObjective
Get the equation
GetEstimatedIterations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns a lower and upper estimate on the number of iterations to run.
GetEstimatedParallelEvaluators() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns an estimate on the maximum number of parallel evaluators that can be used with this problem.
GetEvaluateException() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the value for COptQuestException.EXCEPT_EVALUATE.
GetEvaluatorCount() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
GetExclusiveLowerBoundAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Returns the lower bound of the exclusive range identified by the index
GetExclusiveUpperBoundAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Returns the upper bound of the exclusive range identified by the index
GetFeasibilityIndex() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns a measure of infeasibility across all problem requirements
GetGradientAnalysis() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
GetHandleNonLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the value for handling non-linear constraints of input values.
GetHeatMapMaximumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the maximum number of replications set by the call to SetMaximumReplications().
GetHeatMapMinimumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the minimum number of replications set by the call to SetHeatMapMinimumReplications().
getID() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Returns the index into the Solution.m_VarValue array that corresponds to this variable.
GetIteration() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the iteration number that generated this solution.
GetIterationSolution(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the solution that was generated at the iteration specified by the input parameter.
GetIterationSolution(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the solution that was generated at the iteration specified by the input parameter.
GetLHSString(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the left hand side string expression associated with the clause indicated by the input parameter.
GetLHSString(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestEquationSolver
Returns everything before the ≤, =, or ≥ operator.
GetLHSValue(COptQuestSolution) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Evaluate the left side of the constraint and return the value
GetLowerBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationVariable
GetLowerBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the value of the requirement's lower bound
GetLowerBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the lower bound
GetMaximumIterations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the maximum number of iterations to run.
GetMaximumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the maximum number of replications set by the call to SetMaximumReplications().
GetMaximumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the maximum number of replications set by the call to SetMaximumReplications().
GetMaximumTime() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of seconds set by the method SetMaximumTime(int)
getMean() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWelfordAccumulator
getMessage() - Method in exception com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestException
GetMinimumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the minimum number of replications set by the call to SetMinimumReplications().
GetMinimumReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the minimum number of replications set by the call to SetMinimumReplications().
getN() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWelfordAccumulator
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Returns the name assigned to the constraint.
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the name assigned to the optimization object
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrConstraint
Returns the name assigned to the COptQuestOrConstraint.
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrRequirement
Returns the name assigned to the COptQuestOrRequirement.
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the name of the requirement
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the constraint name.
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the name assigned to the optimization object
GetName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the name
GetNextSolution() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Call this method to get the next solution for evaluation.
GetNthBestSolution(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the nth best solution where solutions are ordered from best to worst based on the objective value.
GetNthBestSolution(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the nth best solution where solutions are ordered from best to worst based on the objective value.
GetNthEfficientFrontier(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the solution associated with the nth point of the Efficient Frontier.
GetNumberEfficientFrontier() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of points on the efficient frontier that have been evaluated.
GetNumberOfClauses() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the number of clauses in the string equation.
GetNumberofCompletedIterations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that have been evaluated.
GetNumberofCompletedIterations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that have been evaluated.
GetNumberOfConstraints() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrConstraint
Returns the number of COptQuestConstraint objects that were added by calls to AddConstraint(COptQuestConstraint).
GetNumberOfExclusiveRanges() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Returns the number of exclusive ranges defined for this variable.
GetNumberOfFeasibleSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that satisfied all linear and non-linear constraints.
GetNumberOfFeasibleSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that satisfied all linear and non-linear constraints.
GetNumberOfInfeasibleSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that violated a non-linear constraint.
GetNumberOfInfeasibleSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that violated a non-linear constraint.
GetNumberOfObservations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the number of elements in the observations array.
GetNumberOfPeriods() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the number of periods for project.
GetNumberOfRejectedSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that were rejected by calling COptQuestSolution.RejectSolution()
GetNumberOfRejectedSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the number of solutions that were rejected by calling COptQuestSolution.RejectSolution();
GetNumberOfRequirements() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrRequirement
Returns the number of COptQuestRequirement objects that were added by calls to AddRequirement(OptQuestRequirement).
GetNumberOfSolutions() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolutionSet
Returns the actual number of solutions in the solution set.
GetNumberOfSteps() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the number of steps defined for an Efficient Frontier.
GetNumberOfStringConstraints() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the number of COptQuestStringConstraint objects added to the optimization.
GetNumberOfStringConstraints() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the number of COptQuestStringConstraint objects added to the optimization.
GetNumberOfVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Returns the number of variables that were added to the constraint by calls to the AddVariable() method.
GetNumberOfVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjectiveFunction
Returns the number of variable/coefficient pairs that were added to the linear objective.
GetNumberOfVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationGroup
Get number of permutation variables
GetNumberOfVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
If the expression is a linear expression, this method returns the number of decision variables in the constraint expression after the expression has been parsed and reduced.
GetNumCoefficients() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjectiveFunction
Returns the number of variable/coefficient pairs that were added to the linear objective.
GetObjective() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the COptQuestObjective object added by the AddObjective() method
GetObjective() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the COptQuestObjective object added by the AddObjective() method
GetObjectiveAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestMultiObjective
Returns the objective at the specified index.
GetObjectiveCount() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestMultiObjective
Returns the number of objectives that have been added to the multi objective.
GetObjectiveMaximum(COptQuestObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestFrontierMultiObjective
Returns the maximum value that was set for an objective range.
GetObjectiveMinimum(COptQuestObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestFrontierMultiObjective
Returns the minimum value that was set for an objective range.
GetObjectiveValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
GetObjectiveValue(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the objective value for a specified objective.
GetObjectiveValue(COptQuestStringObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the objective value for a specified objective.
GetObjectiveValue(COptQuestUserControlledObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the objective value for a specified objective.
GetObjectiveValue(COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
getObjectiveValues() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
GetObjPrecision() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the objective precision.
GetObservationAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the value of the observation at the specified index.
GetObservations() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the array of observations set in the SetObservations() method
GetOperatorString(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the operator as a string expression for the clause indicated by the input parameter.
GetOperatorString(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestEquationSolver
Returns the operator ≤, =, or ≥
GetOptimizationName() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestMultiObjective
Returns the optimization name.
GetPatternFrontier() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier in no particular order.
GetPatternFrontier() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier in no particular order.
GetPatternFrontier(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier sorted by the specified objective.
GetPatternFrontier(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier sorted by the specified objective.
GetPeriodObservationAt(int, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the value of the observations for the specified period and index
GetPeriodObservations(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestProjectVariable
Returns the array of observations for the requested period.
GetPID() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
For OptQuest versions 7.2 and earlier, solution replications were run serially and the PID could be used to map a solution to an evaluator so that all replications of a solution could be run on the same evaluator.
GetPortfolioMeasure() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
Returns the portfolio measure set by the SetPortfolioMeasure() method.
GetPortfolioMeasure() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
Returns the portfolio measure set by the SetPortfolioMeasure() method.
GetPortfolioStatistic() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
Returns the portfolio statistic defined by the SetPortfolioStatistic() method.
GetPortfolioStatistic() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
Returns the portfolio statistic defined by the SetPortfolioStatistic() method.
GetPortfolioStatisticValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
Returns the statistic value defined by the SetPortfolioStatistic() method.
GetPortfolioStatisticValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioRequirement
Returns the statistic value defined by the SetPortfolioStatistic() method.
GetRegressionAnalysis() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
GetRejectSolution() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if you have marked the solution as rejected.
GetReplication() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the replication number for this solution.
GetReplicationConfidenceErrorPercent() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Return the confidence error percent set by the call to SetReplicationConfidence()
GetReplicationConfidenceErrorPercent() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Return the confidence error percent set by the call to SetReplicationConfidence()
GetReplicationConfidenceLevel() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the confidence level set by the call to SetReplicationConfidence().
GetReplicationConfidenceLevel() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Returns the confidence level set by the call to SetReplicationConfidence().
GetReplicationConfidenceType() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Returns the confidence type set by the call to SetReplicationConfidence();
GetReplicationCount() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the number of completed replications.
GetReplicationStatistic() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the statistic defined by the SetReplicationStatistic() method.
GetReplicationStatistic() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Returns the statistic defined by the SetReplicationStatistic() method.
GetReplicationStatistic() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Returns the statistic defined by the SetReplicationStatistic() method.
GetReplicationStatisticValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the statistic value defined by the SetReplicationStatistic() method.
GetReplicationStatisticValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSingleObjective
Returns the statistic value defined by the SetStatistic() method.
GetReplicationStatisticValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledVariable
Returns the statistic value defined by the SetStatistic() method.
GetReplicationTerminationReason() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the reason replications were terminated for this solution.
GetReplicationTerminationReasonString() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns a text string which describes the reason replications were terminated for this solution.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestRequirement, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input requirement and specified replication.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestSingleObjective, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input objective and specified replication.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestStringObjective, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input objective and specified replication.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestUserControlledObjective, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input objective and specified replication.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestUserControlledVariable, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input user controlled variable and specified replication.
GetReplicationValue(COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective, int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication value for the input weighted objective and specified replication.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input requirement.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestSingleObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input objective.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestStringObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input objective.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestUserControlledObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input objective.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestUserControlledVariable) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input variable.
GetReplicationValues(COptQuestWeightedMultiObjective) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return the replication values for the input objective.
GetRequirement(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Given a requirement name, return the COptQuestRequirement object.
GetRequirementAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOrRequirement
Returns the COptQuestRequirement object at the specified index.
GetRequirementValue(COptQuestRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the requirement for this solution
GetRHS() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Returns the right hand side value.
GetRHSString(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns the right hand side string expression associated with the clause indicated by the input parameter.
GetRHSString(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestEquationSolver
Returns everything after the operator where the operator is ≤, =, ≥.
GetSolutionsInSet() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolutionSet
Returns the list of COptQuestSolution objects that satisfied the filter.
GetStartingVarPrecision() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the starting variable precision.
GetStepSize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscreteVariable
GetStepSize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the step size
GetStringConstraint(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the string constraint at the index specified by the input parameter.
GetStringConstraint(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the string constraint at the index specified by the input parameter.
GetSuggestedValue() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the suggested value
getSVar() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWelfordAccumulator
GetTerminationReason() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the reason the optimization terminated.
GetTerminationReason() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the reason the optimization terminated.
GetTerminationReasonString() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the reason the optimization terminated as a string.
GetUpperBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationVariable
GetUpperBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns the value of the requirement's upper bound
GetUpperBound() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
Get the upper bound
GetUseCrossEntropy() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
For advanced users only.
GetUseInfeasibilityIndex() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if infeasible solutions are sorted based on an infeasibility index.
GetUserControlledStop() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if the user will stop the optimization using the StopOptimization() method.
GetUserControlledVariableConstraint() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if the user has called SetUserControlledVariableConstraint(true).
GetUseReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if general replication processing is turned on.
GetUseReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns true if general replication processing is turned on.
getValueIndicatingSelectionIsOff() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSelectionGroup
Get the value that indicates the off setting
getVar() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestWelfordAccumulator
GetVariable(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Given a variable name, return the COptQuestVariable object.
GetVariable(String) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Given a variable name, return the COptQuestVariable object.
getVariableAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationGroup
GetVariableAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestConstraint
Returns the COptQuestVariable at the specified 0 based index.
GetVariableAt(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjectiveFunction
Returns the variable at the specified index.
getVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPermutationGroup
GetVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns an array of all variables that have been added to the optimization using the AddVariable()method.
GetVariables() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns an array of all variables that have been added to the optimization using the AddVariable()method.
GetVariableValue(COptQuestVariable) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns the value of the decision variable for this solution
getVarRange() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
GetVersion() - Static method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the version number of the OptQuest Engine.
GetVersion() - Static method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns the version number of the OptQuest Engine.
getWeights() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestKrigEuclideanDistance
getWeights() - Method in interface com.opttek.optquest.IKrigDistance
GRADIENT_CONSECUTIVEDISCRETESOLUTIONS - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GRADIENT_CONSECUTIVESOLUTIONS - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GRADIENT_INCREMENT - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
GRADIENT_START - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
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