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IKrigDistance - Interface in com.opttek.optquest
A generic interface to return the generalized distance between two vectors For Kriging, we need to know the distance between two vectors.
IKrigVariogram - Interface in com.opttek.optquest
A generic interface to return the generalized distance between two vectors For Kriging, we need to know the covariance between two vectors, usually based on distance (see KrigDistance).
IncludeInSet(COptQuestSolution) - Method in interface com.opttek.optquest.ISolutionFilter
Determines if solution should be included in the set.
IP_GAP - Variable in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSearchParameters
IsAdditionalReplicationsMode() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if solution evaluation is running additional replications of previously evaluated solutions.Simulations usually need special setup to run an additional replication of a previously run solution.
IsAndClauses() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the constraint expression has an implied "And" condition.
IsAutoStopByCycles() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the value for automatic stopping by optimization cycles.
IsAutoStopByPercentImprovement() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the value for automatic stopping by percent improvement.
IsConstraintFeasible(COptQuestCompoundConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns whether or not the solution is valid with respect to a single constraint.
IsConstraintFeasible(COptQuestConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns whether or not the solution is valid with respect to a single constraint.
IsConstraintFeasible(COptQuestStringConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns whether or not the solution is valid with respect to a single constraint.
IsEnumerable() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if all variables in the optimization problem can be enumerated.
IsEnumerable() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestUserControlledOptimization
Returns true if all variables in the optimization problem can be enumerated.
IsEvaluated() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the solution has completed evaluation.
IsFeasible() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the solution satisfies all constraints and requirements.
IsFeasible(COptQuestOrRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if this solution is feasible (satisfies) for the "or" requirement.
IsFeasible(COptQuestRequirement) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if this solution is feasible (satisfies) for the requirement.
IsFeasible(COptQuestStringConstraint) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if this solution is feasible (satisfies) for the input constraint.
IsGoal() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestRequirement
Returns true if the requirement has been set as a goal rather than a hard requirement.
IsGoal() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the constraint has been set as a goal rather than a hard requirement.
IsLastReplication() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return true if we have run the last replication for the this solution.
IsLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Returns true if the objective is a linear function.
IsLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjectiveFunction
Returns true.
IsLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestPortfolioObjective
IsLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the expression is linear.
IsLinear() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringObjective
Returns true if the expression is linear.
IsMaximize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Returns true if the goal of the objective is to maximize the objective value.
IsMaximize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the goal of the optimization is to maximize the objective value.
IsMinimize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestObjective
Returns true if the goal of the objective is to minimize the objective value.
IsMinimize() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns true if the goal of the optimization is to mimimize the objective value.
IsNthEfficientFrontierFeasible(int) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if the solution for the nth point of an Efficient Frontier is feasible.
ISolutionFilter - Interface in com.opttek.optquest
ISolutionFilter is used to define a filter for a COptQuestSolutionSet object.
IsOrClauses() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the constraint expression contains the keyword "Or".
IsRejected() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns if the solution has been rejected
IsRunRepeatableEvaluation() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns true if you have called RunRepeatableEvaluations(true).
IsStopped() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestOptimization
Returns the current state of the optimization.
IsUsingReplications() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Return true if the optimization is running replications.
IsValidSolution() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns whether or not the solution is valid with respect to all variables and constraints.
IsVariable() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestStringConstraint
Returns true if the constraint equation defines variable bounds.
IsVariableFeasible(COptQuestVariable) - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestSolution
Returns whether or not the solution is valid with respect to a single variable.
isZeroOne() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestBinaryVariable
isZeroOne() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestDiscreteVariable
isZeroOne() - Method in class com.opttek.optquest.COptQuestVariable
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form